Real estate investors might struggle to get past the rose-colored facade that runs rampant in the industry, but as a people-first investor, you have to dig even deeper to find aligned partners who share your values and goals.
Perhaps you got into real estate investing to cultivate the most meaningful form of freedom. You can provide freedom for others while creating a lifestyle of financial and time independence for your family. You own the opportunity to leave a powerful impact on so many people in your care and in your network.
Partner With Me
YOU are the type of investor we champion and value highly!
About Miriam
Hey there,
I am Miriam “The Multifamily Ninja” McKisic.
I have leveraged my 10 plus years of experience as an Industrial Engineer by developing adaptive systems based on in-depth research, emotional intelligence, and strategy in fast-paced, ever-changing environments.
In short, my entire corporate career has been dedicated to building relationships, understanding a need, and finding the solution that wasn’t obvious to most. I excel in bringing people together towards a common goal.
In real estate, I use these skills to create efficient, sustainable value and impact in every property my team acquires. We find great joy in relationship-based collaboration. Trust, respect, and sincerity are the cornerstone of everything we do. Here’s to an opportunity to connect and learn more about you! How can we help each other?
Client Love
Ready to Sell?
Transitioning out of your multifamily property is no small feat. You have put significant amounts of time, money, and care into this place to ensure it is contributing to the community instead of bringing down the value. You have cultivated trust and happiness between your team and your tenants because they are human beings you don’t reduce to dollar signs.
You are making an impact, not just looking to stack change.
Taking on the next step can be a tedious process. You can’t sell your property in a quick, canned transaction. You appreciate efficiency. You do your research. You know your building and its residents deserve it.